We are currently working on a desktop computer design targeted towards emerging markets for an HP-sponsored studio. Last Friday, we had a critique on some initial concepts and are expected to come up with a final design by Wednesday.
This is pretty much a call for help and any input or feedback is appreciated.An overview for my concepts:
The Patel family is growing up in the Dharavi slum, which is a very large slum central in Mumbai. The family is in the emerging middle class, where they have enough money to sustain, but not enough to move out of the slums.
There are two children: one in high school, one just graduated and is interested in IT. Education is the main reason they will purchase a computer.

Concerns addressed:
SPACE- They live in a 225 ft^2 apartment. They have a TV, Stove, toilet/shower, and beds. No room for a table. They need an environment to study.
GEOGRAPHY- They deal with Monsoon season, drought, and dust.
COST- They do not waste money on luxury items. Customization will help the user buy a basic, inexpensive computer, and upgrade when they can afford it.
On the Wall- Solving space is its primary concern. Also, a story is that during monsoon season in the slums, sewage and water flow onto the floors of homes. This keeps the computer protected.

Stacked- This concept focuses on the space and cost problem by being compact during shipping. The parts, monitor and keyboard fit with the tower. It solves small things like cord management.

Out-of-Box- One thing that really hit me was the fact that some people didn't have tables, only room for sleeping. This concept utilizes packaging as a way to create a desk environment for the family. The tower is part of the base and everything fits neatly inside. It also serves to protect a computer.

As of now, I want to combine the Out-of-Box with the On-the-Wall concepts. Any feedback or suggestions on making this sweet?